
Turbocharge your SEO Conversions by Unleashing AI and Data-Driven Techniques!

AdLift CEO and Co-Founder Prashant Puri is speaking at the Conversion Conference 2023 - June 19th to 21st, Las Vegas.

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His talk will delve into cutting-edge methods that elevate SEO by:

  • Development of SEO strategies, consulting and executing SEO tactics, as well as development of training programs for our clients to allow them on-going success in natural search marketing.
  • Lead and develop experienced SEO team to drive successful client engagements and natural search results for our clients.
  • Understanding and adherence to search engine algorithms, shifts, requirements, and best of breed SEO
  • Keyword research strategies (terms, head/tail, user intent, etc)
  • Site structure analysis, navigation, page construction and additional site audits recommendations for optimal search engine friendliness & indexing

Client Speak

Lomit Patel


Chief Marketing and Growth Officer

We've seen a huge improvement in our SEO since working with AdLift, the biggest impact we've seen is by following the road map and the plan that they've come up with within the first four months, SEO traffic increased over 50% and it's continued to increase month, over month beyond that

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